An Eminem Home Invader Reportedly Told The Rapper He Intended To Kill Him

Eminem faced a scary situation earlier this year when a home invader entered his home late at night. At the time, it was reported the man, Matthew Hughes, wanted a meeting with the rapper. It looks like that fact holds up today, although it seems Hughes wasn’t looking for a friendly interaction.

Court reporter Nick Perreault wrote in a pair of tweets that a detective confirmed Hughes told Eminem he was there to kill him, and that Eminem initially thought the home invader was his nephew: “Court. Eminem news. ‘Mr. Mathers (Eminem) said Matthew Hughes told him he was there to kill him.’ Detective said that’s what Eminem told him after his home was broken into in April. Hughes pictured faces felony charges. Case now heads to Macomb County Circuit court September 28. Eminem was not in court today. Bond remains $50,000 cash surety for Mr. Hughes. Investigation showed a window was broken, Mathers security team responded. At first Mathers thought Hughes was his nephew, but it was dark & Mathers soon realized he did not know the man in his home.”

It was previously revealed that Hughes is a repeat offender, as the man was arrested in June 2019 for trespassing on two properties, one of which belonged to Eminem.