Madonna’s Gun Control Post On Instagram Prompted A Back-And-Forth With A Literal Karen

As the recent police killing of Daunte Wright in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota continues to draw scrutiny, more and more stars have become more and more outspoken about the need for police reform (or abolition). One of those stars, Madonna, took one of her commenters to task after they derided her post about the killing, challenging the detractor and pointing out their name was fitting, considering the content of their comment.

Posting the video of the shooting to Instagram (which you can view here, if you’re so inclined), Madonna argued in the caption, “This is so infuriating and unacceptable,” and calling police spokesman Tim Gannon’s “deeply upsetting.” Adding the hashtag #guncontrol, she appeared to be advocating for a disarmed police force, in line with previous, similar posts of hers demanding more gun control overall.

However, this drew the attention of @karengayler, an anonymous troll who pulled out all the usual bad faith arguments to question Madonna’s post. “I would bet you have people with guns to protect you and your family,” they wrote. “But the little people can be left unarmed. If you take the guns away criminals will ALWAYS find weapons.”

Madonna wasn’t hearing any of it. “B****h I don’t have any security or armed guards around me,” she corrected. “Come see me and tell me to my face how not real my world is. I dare you. You know nothing about me or my life. The only criminals I see right now are the police who are paid to protect the people.” She finished her tirade with the perfect flourish to underline the disingenuousness of the commenter’s statements: “Of course your name is Karen.”

You can see screenshots of the exchange below.