Bleachers Performed ’91’ On Late Night With Plenty Of Saxophones

Back in May Bleachers announced their new album, Stop Making This Hurt, would be coming out at the end of July. Jack Antonoff finally took a break from working with super stars like Lana Del Rey and Taylor Swift and focused on his own music, kicking off the new album with the new single, “Stop Making This Hurt.” That track was somehow both upbeat, jazzy and incredibly sad, which set the tone well for the whole album. Yes, the album includes a track with Bruce Springsteen, and yes, there are plenty of other jazzy moments on the record, including a saxophone-spiked track called “How Dare You Want More.”

Another early single off the record is simply titled “91,” and that’s the one Antonoff and co. opted to perform during a recent late night appearance. This performance, too, had lots of saxophone moments (are you sensing a theme here?) and came during the middle of a brand new tour for the band. Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live for the performance, Antonoff sat and sang while playing the piano, with not one but two saxophonists playing along with him. Part of the reason this new album is such a sad one is that Antonoff said he wrote it after his breakup with Lena Dunham. If that’s your vibe this weekend, check out the performance above to put some sadness back into your Friday night.