Martha Stewart And Ina Garten Are Fighting About Drinking Cosmos

Earlier this month, a slew of celebs decided to take to social media to announce their (probably short-term) resolutions. Crypto queen Reese Witherspoon joined in, making a short but hefty list of things she was “working towards” in 2022. The list included drinking water, going outside more, reading, and getting 8 hours of rest, which is probably pretty easy when you are a celebrity or at least have limited internet access.

But celebrity chef Ina Garten stepped in comment her own tips, which included drinking more cosmos. Hey, to each their own. The story goes a step further, though, as this week, Martha Stewart chimed in on the debacle. Turns out she wasn’t happy with her peer’s comments.

“I do not agree about taking to drink to cope with things like the pandemic,” Stewart told People magazine. “To me that’s not charming.” She then went on to promote her new line of wine, called Martha’s Chard. Again…to each their own. While it wasn’t a direct dig at Garten, the two often butt heads over their similar recipes and lifestyle brands.

To be fair, Stewart does make a good point. But, anyone commenting on anyone else’s coping habits is bound to get messy. It’s a pandemic! Some people want to drink cosmos, while others promote their own line of alcoholic beverages. Can’t we all just get along and make competing carrot cake together?