Robert Pattinson Has A Predictably Weird Answer For His Favorite Batman Villain

It’s hard to tell when Robert Pattinson is lying is during interviews. OK, sometimes it’s easy, like when the chaotic quarantine king was promoting Water for Elephants (a movie we all remember and still quote to this day) on the Today show and said that “one of the clowns died” the first time he went to the circus. But other times, it’s a 50/50 tossup.

Take, for instance, a recent interview with Brut México where Pattinson was asked to name his favorite Batman villain. He didn’t go with Joker, or Riddler, or Mr. Freeze. Instead, The Batman star picked Condiment King, who made his DC debut in Batman: The Animated Series. I could explain what Condiment King’s “deal” is (it’s not hard to guess), but I’ll let Pattinson do it.

“There’s a bad guy in the animated series called Condiment King. I just think it’s the greatest idea. It’s a guy who sprays mustard and ketchup at people, and I just think it’s such a great idea for a bad guy,” he said. Is he lying, or 100 percent serious? I can’t tell.

You be the judge:

The one thing I know for sure: you should watch the Condiment King episodes of Harley Quinn. And every episode of Harley Quinn. It’s a good show. And unlike Pattinson, you don’t have to worry about whether I’m telling the truth. I would never lie about my love of Bane.

(Via CBR)