Mark Wahlberg Detailed Even More About The Disgusting Things He Did To Get ‘As Bloated As Possible’ For ‘Father Stu’: ‘It Was Not Fun’

Mark Wahlberg really wants you to see his movie, Father Stu, maybe because he is proud of the role, or maybe because he had to eat 11,000 calories a day and put on a bunch of weight to achieve his look and doesn’t want that to be a waste. “Even when you’re full, I would wake up after a meal and have another meal,” the actor recently told EW. “I was eating every three hours. It was not fun.”

In the film, Wahlberg plays an amateur boxer whose career is cut short by an injury, so he moves to LA and falls for a Sunday school teacher, and then becomes a priest. That’s the natural order of things, right?

“I put on 30 pounds and went from being a guy who was in fighting shape to a guy who was wheelchair-bound, suffering from a rare muscular degenerative disease,” Wahlberg told EW. “I was just turning 50 by the time we finished the movie, and I was eating 11,000 calories a day. That drastic weight gain really took a toll on me over the course of the last seven, eight months.” Wahlberg chronicled his weight gain on social media last spring.

When asked about what he ate to get to that 11K calorie goal, Wahlberg explained, in almost too much detail: “It was a dozen eggs and a dozen pieces of bacon, two baked potatoes, a Porterhouse steak, two bowls of white rice, and a glass of olive oil. The first two weeks were high proteins. The second two weeks were a lot of carbs. The last two weeks starches and then sodium, just to kind of get as bloated as possible.” It seems like the actor is back to a normal eating schedule as of late. If “normal” includes a lot of tequila.

This is the complete opposite of what happened when Ryan Gosling was cast in Peter Jackson’s The Lovely Bones and put on 60 pounds, before being fired and replaced by Wahlberg. Maybe he got some tips from Gosling.