‘Breaking Bad’ Director Rian Johnson Is Calling Out Netflix For Something That Drives Him ‘Nuts’

There are many, many anxiety-inducing scenes from Breaking Bad, like all of the various run-ins with the law and that one fatal ATM incident. But according to director Rian Johnson, there is one particular shot that makes him very upset. And it’s not even in the show!

Before directing Chris Evans and Co. in Knives Out, Johnson directed three episodes of the AMC drama series from 2010-2013. Apparently, Johnson is unhappy with the way Netflix displays the series on its site. The director took to Twitter to show his dissatisfaction with a single frame that is used to promote the series.

The shot features Walter looking stressed (as always) while on the phone (the second cell phone!) with two traffic cones in the background. As it turns out, those cones were not a part of the shot and were just there to block off the set, most likely for safety from potential traffic. Johnson does not like this, and wants to make it your problem, too!

He tweeted, “This key frame always drives me nuts – those traffic cones were out of our shot, they were just there for safety. And now they’ll drive you nuts too. You’re welcome!”

He is right. After all, who moves a cone like that? Considering how often Netlfix’s switches up their thumbnails, this one will likely be returned from the rotation now that Johnson pointed it out.