Seth Meyers Is Having A LOT Of Fun Watching Once-Dedicated MAGA ‘A**holes’ Turn On Donald Trump

Seth Meyers has the perfect idea of things that are fun. Examples? Watching Lauren Boebert possibly lose her reelection campaign. Explaining, in detail, why Ted Cruz is a “craven ghoul.” Or telling really ANY story about Rudy Giuliani — but especially the one about how the former New York City mayor’s epic poo might have permanently tainted the air on Air Force One. But since last week’s midterm elections, the Late Night host has found a new source of constant entertainment: Watching former MAGA stooges turn on Donald Trump.

On Monday night, Meyers was excited to share the news that the latest elections allowed “Democrats to defy the odds and defy history to produce one of the best midterm performances for the party in power in political history. And now that reality has set in, Republicans are furiously pointing fingers at each other, looking for someone to blame. And honestly, it is kind of fun to watch.”

“Kind of fun” is a bit of an understatement, at least when it comes to seeing longtime supporters who stuck with Trump from his two impeachments to the Capitol insurrection finally start to spew venom in the former president’s direction. As Meyers shared:

Alabama congressman Mo Brooks, who was once a huge Trump supporter and even spoke at the Capitol on January 6, called Trump “dishonest, disloyal, incompetent, and crude.” Which is true, but Trump didn’t prove that last week. It’s just last week there were consequences…

Still, it’s so great to watch these a**holes turn on each other. They’re like a bunch of roommates who got a pet cougar and now they’re like, ‘Has anyone seen Dave?’

You can watch the full segment above.