Chelsea Handler Says She’s ‘Sexually Attracted To Mitt Romney’ After Seeing The GOP Senator Confront Shady Con Man George Santos At The State Of The Union

Chelsea Handler likes a man who knows what he wants. Especially if what he wants is to tell shady congressman/possible con man George Santos that he’s an “ass.” Which is why she is publicly declaring her sexual attraction to Mitt Romney.

On Wednesday night, The Daily Show guest host shared some of her favorite moments from Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, which has turned out to be this week’s version of must-see TV. Of course, the comedian had a LOT to say about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s tacky white fur coat, which — like its unfortunate owner — refused to be ignored. But for Handler, the real surprise of the night came before Biden had even uttered a word. When, in the moments before the speech began, Mormon Mitt brought what Handler described as a “bit of a UFC/junior high cafeteria vibe” to the proceedings by approaching the freshman congressman/serial fabulist and allegedly telling him that “You ought to be embarrassed, son” and “You’re an ass.” Handler couldn’t help but think it was kind of hot:

I would like to go on the record tonight and say that I’m sexually attracted to Mitt Romney. It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last time. I don’t even care that he’s a Republican or a Mormon. In fact, since he’s a Mormon, he’ll be open to another wife. And if not, he’s a Republican, so he’ll be open to having an affair. Problem solved.

While Handler allowed that Romney’s rebuke was rather PG-rated, she correctly equivalated that “You ought to be embarrassed, son” is “the Mormon equivalent of ‘Suck my f***ing dick, you p***y a** b*tch.’”

You can watch the full segment above, beginning around the 1:40 mark.