Rod Wave Shares A Story Of Hearbreak And Healing On His New Single, ‘Fight The Feeling’

Less than a year after releasing his fourth studio album, Beautiful Mind, Rod Wave is back with a new single. On his latest, “Fight The Feeling,” Wave shares a story of heartbreak, delivering soul vocals over a rolling percussion beat.

Over the course of the song, the song’s woman protagonist tries to distract herself from the pain she’s feeling following the end of a relationship.

“So get your hair did, put your clothes on / Tell the DJ to play your song / Tryna fight the feeling, But she never finished healing / Now you in the middle of the club, trying not to cry to a love song,” he sings on the song’s chorus.

In the song’s accompanying visual, Wave is seen performing in a club, where the woman in the story is seen dancing the night away with her friends.

The song’s narrative structure, as well as the cinematic visual, are ideal for the Rod Wave cannon. In a 2020 interview with Billboard, he expressed that in the future, he would like to write screenplays.

“I’m just gonna play my part for right now because it’s deeper than that,” said Wave. “I got stories and stuff. I got all kinds of stuff I done seen in my life. I feel like [Sony/ATV is] giving me the opportunity and freedom to express that.”

You can watch the video for “Fight The Feeling” above.