Last week Josh noted that Page Six was claiming that Tom Cruise and Laura Prepon have been quietly dating since last year, which was not a surprise to anyone who regularly pays attention to celebrity gossip. I’ve heard a rumor fly here and there, and I assumed the Page Six article was probably leading up to some kind of public confirmation.
Looks like we’ll have to wait a while longer for any big Tom Cruise dating announcements, however, because the Orange is the New Black star is denying any and all romantic involvement with the Wee King Xenu in a recent interview with She Knows:
“It’s just so funny that, when people don’t know, they just make stuff up, [like], apparently I’m dating Tom Cruise right now. And apparently he doesn’t want me doing the show because I portray a lesbian and I’m a Scientologist. This is false; where are they even getting this stuff? It’s unbelievable to me.”
OK THEN! Speaking of common misconceptions, Prepon would also like to dispel rumors that Scientology is basically the worst thing in the entire world, which might be, um, a bit tougher of a sell.
“People who first meet me don’t know about Scientology at all — and I’m always willing to talk to whoever about it — but it’s funny because, on numerous occasions, they were like, ‘I had no idea what Scientology was, but working with you and seeing how you conduct yourself and how you acknowledge people and you’re such a professional.'”
“They’re like, ‘Whatever you’re doing with Scientology, it’s amazing.’ And, ‘If Scientology helps you be like that, then we’re all about it,'” Prepon added.
So all she’s claiming is that Scientology makes her act like a professional and a decent person to work with? Well, sh*t. If that’s the case then I never thought I’d say this, but I know just the person who could benefit from some serious brainwashing sessions. Or else it would prove to be such a challenge that she would just flat out break Scientology, causing the entire organization to implode like the Hellmouth on the series finale of Buffy. Either way I’d say it would be a win.