8 Reasons Why We’re Glad To Have So Much Yvonne Strahovski In Our Lives

Last night was a good one for Yvonne Strahovski and her many fans. Not only did she play an astronaut’s daughter who got punched in the face on Louie, she popped up on 24: Live Another Day as Kate Morgan, a “plucky CIA agent,” according to Vulture. Here’s more from that interview:

How did you come to be in an episode of Louie?

It was a surprise for me, too. They just called and sent me the episode and asked if I’d be interested in doing something like that. I jumped at the opportunity because obviously Louis is amazing, and his show is amazing. It’s not often that you get to be part of something like that.

Tell me about that scene at the beach. Was that you or a stunt double?

Oh, I went into the water. It was October or September, and it was cold. If they had asked me to do that six months prior, I would have been so terrified, which I kind of still was. I grew up being scared of the water, which is embarrassing to say as an Australian, but it’s true. I was never a water person. Then last summer, I got into surfing. It was a fluke. I fell in love with it, the feeling of being on a board and standing on a board and catching waves even though I am terrified of the waves and the deep water. Before I started surfing, I don’t even know if I would have dived into the water at night alone…I remember I felt the ocean sucking me in and it was quite powerful. But I did it! I did it twice. Who knew on a comedy I’d have so much stunt work to do. (Via)

Point is, the more Strahovski, the better, even if it reminds us of the tragedy that is seasons seven and eight of Dexter (though she was perfectly good in it). Here are 10 reasons why we’re glad the Chuck star has been on TV consecutively since 2007.

1. Because TV could always use more females who literally kick ass.

2. Because she’s Queen Fan Service (try to imagine the “Yvonne in a new sexy outfit” brain trust).

3. Because IMDb says her nickname is “Strahotski,” and I find that hilarious.

4. Because she is a proud, caring dog-owner.

5. Because she doesn’t need a reason to start dancing.

6. Because she’s very good at Instagram.

7. Because she’s a risk-taker. Riding a motorcycle with so few clothes on? REBEL.

8. Because it gives me an excuse to use the greatest GIF of all-time.

Bonus non sequitur GIF:

Via Vulture