About The Time A Drunk Patrick Stewart Clashed With The New ‘Late Late Show’ Host

I’ve seen Gavin & Stacey and love The Wrong Mans, but the thing I most associate new Late Late Show host (probably) James Corden with is the time he got into an awkward war of words with Patrick Stewart. It happened back in 2010 at the GLAMOUR Awards, which Corden hosted. Stewart was peeved at the job he was doing, though, and he joked/not-joked that Corden looked “around as if you would rather be anywhere in the world but here,” before adding, “From where I was, I could see your belly and that was from right at the back of the room.” Me-ow.

Corden then approached Stewart and, well, watch the video.

Stewart later apologized for what transpired, blaming his hostility on the award-show booze. Still, I don’t think he’ll be Corden’s first Late Late Show guest. Maybe Ian McKellen’s available?