Jeff Garlin Refuses To Look At Photos Of Selena Gomez In A Bikini

You probably know Jeff Garlin from his starring roles in Curb Your Enthusiasm or The Goldbergs, or from his obnoxious, deafening laugh during podcasts, but if you asked your 12-year-old niece who he was, she’d reply, “He’s the big guy from The Wizards of Waverly Place.” Garlin was on the mega-hit Disney Channel series for three seasons, playing star Selena Gomez’s uncle, Kelbo, which explains why he’s become quite protective of Gomez, as he explained to the Huffington Post.

I worked with her for three years, and I love her. She is, at least in terms of what I saw, a great kid. But then I see her sexualized. I know she was in Spring Breakers and all that. By the way, I saw Spring Breakers, and I’m by myself in the theater, and I couldn’t have felt dirtier. I went to go see her work, and her work was great. But the thing is, when I see her sexualized, I look at her and I look at Ariana Grande, both beautiful girls. Really beautiful girls. But they have baby fat. They look like kids. Great bikini shots of Selena Gomez? I don’t go there. I see the thing, but I see those chubby cheeks. She’s a kid. This is disgusting, that it’s happening so young. (Via)

If Uncle Garlin ever wants to take care of Selena’s Bieber problem, do feel free.

Via HuffPo