The Next Supergirl Has Been Chosen: It’s ‘Glee’ Actress Melissa Benoist

"Whiplash" Portraits - 2014 Sundance Film Festival
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The lead for CBS’s Supergirl TV show has finally been announced, and it’s not Gemma Atkinson after all (she’s more of a Power Girl type). No, the next supergirl is going to be Melissa Benoist from Glee and Whiplash, reports Deadline. Here’s Deadline’s description of Supergirl, if you’ve somehow never seen the Helen Slater masterpiece of the same name.

Born on the planet Krypton, Kara Zor-El escaped amid its destruction years ago. Since arriving on Earth, she’s been hiding the powers she shares with her famous cousin, Superman. But now at age 24, she decides to embrace her superhuman abilities and be the hero she was always meant to be.

Benoist seems like a solid pick for this role. Let’s just hope CBS doesn’t turn it into CSI: Metropolis.