Let’s Liveblog Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Has A Canary Fight

Yep, it’s a Black Canary on Black Canary fight tonight, thanks to Laurel tripping out on Vertigo. We’ll be liveblogging that, plus a recap of what you missed since there isn’t much else for nerds on tonight.

Basically, last week was the Episode of Bad Decisions. First off, Ollie managed to drive Felicity away completely by hiring on Malcolm Merlyn as a member of the Arrow Buddies. While the show made her pretty shrill about it and tried to act like she was being unfair, it’s not really hard to see why Felicity would have a few objections to hiring on a terrorist and murderer who is more or less directly responsible for all of Ollie’s problems this season. Up to and including setting him up to get stabbed and booted off a cliff, we should note.

It didn’t help that the flashbacks in the episode were essentially about how Merlyn was a self-involved tool who couldn’t get over his wife’s murder, so he joined a freakin’ secret society dedicated to killing people and dumping his son on whoever would take him. So he’s not just a terrorist and murderer: He’s also a self-involved dick!

That said, this episode has some promise, not least because that trailer hints that Ollie is finally going to tell Thea he’s the dude in the green hoodie. We’ll find out tonight when we liveblog the whole thing. Join us, won’t you?