Dirk Nowitzki On Chandler Parsons: ‘We Think He Dresses Like Justin Bieber’

We’re hardly an authority on fashion, but possess a grasp of pop culture just firm enough to know that Dirk Nowitzki didn’t mean this as a compliment to Chandler Parsons. Discussing his sharpshooting teammate participating in the NBA’s All-Style Fashion Show during All-Star weekend, Nowitzki quipped that he and other Dallas Mavericks think Parsons “dresses like Justin Bieber.”

Well, the 36 year-old Nowitzki might as well be an “old man” to Parsons – he’s 10 years the latter’s senior. As for the Florida product actually dressing like everyone’s favorite Canadian superstar, we’re not exactly sure.

What we do know is that Dirk should probably be careful poking fun at Parsons’ appearance. Not only was the Mavericks’ key offseason signee recently voted as the “best looking guy” in the NBA by Japanese fans, but Parsons has also been mistaken for the future Hall-of-Famer around Dallas, too.

If Parsons dresses like Bieber, then, musn’t that also mean Nowitzki does? Either way, we feel confident saying both are doing fine from an appearance standpoint – dude 6-9 and up who can walk without falling over already have a leg up on the rest of us.