Let’s Liveblog Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Goes Back To The Island, Yet Again

Tonight’s light on the geeky TV. So let’s talk about Arrow, and lay down odds about what the episode has in store for us.

First of all, the title of the episode has multiple meanings. Ollie and Thea are returning to Lian Yu, the obscure island nobody goes to and yet is oddly accessible to anybody who feels like going there, and there’s even a small prison for Slade! Who is back, likely released by Malcolm Merlyn because he’s just trolling Ollie to see how long it takes him to realize he’s the bad guy.

Ollie also returns to Starling City in flashbacks, which is going to take some work for the show to reconcile with the timeline it’s established. Presumably we’ll see Thea pre-martial-arts and belly-shirts, and we already know Tommy is returning for the flashback.

Which brings us to, well, the other meaning of that title. Generally, something titled “The Return” has a character, well, returning, and in fact the production team has noted the title doesn’t refer to Ollie or Slade. Considering we have the notoriously immortal Ra’s Al Ghul in play, who happens to also be playing a long game, I’m putting the odds at a surprise resurrection in this episode at a coin flip.

As to who it might be… well… Colin Donnell sure turns up a lot on this show for a guy who’s supposed to be dead! But we’ll see tonight, when the liveblog starts at 8pm EST. Join us, won’t you?