An Animated Look At Guns N’ Roses Hitching A Ride From ‘Hippie Chicks’ To A Gig

Few debut albums have been as titanically popular as Guns N’ Roses’ Appetite for Destruction. Since July 21, 1987, it’s sold more than 30 million copies, 18 million in the United States alone. “Welcome to the Jungle,” “Sweet Child O’ Mine,” and “Paradise City” continue to be rock radio mainstays, and in 2013, Rolling Stone named Appetite the fourth best first album ever.

Before all that, Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, and Steven were just five broke dudes relying on rusted pick-up trucks to get them to gigs. In his must-read book, Reckless Road: Guns N’ Roses and the Making of Appetite for Destruction, Canter’s Deli general manager Marc Canter shared his experiences palling around with GNR before they made it big.

We animated one of his stories above, and hippie chicks on acid are involved.