John Mellencamp Skirts New York City Law, Doctor’s Advice Talking To David Letterman

You can always count on David Letterman to call out the elephant in the room.

Throughout this entire segment from Monday night’s Late Show, I kept wondering out loud, Isn’t someone going to acknowledge the fact that John Mellencamp is smoking a cigarette right now? Here’s Mellencamp, talking about suffering a heart attack (which, by the way, smoking can cause) in an indoor New York City television studio (which, by the way, is against the law) on a late-night show (which, by the way, isn’t a common place for guests to light up [unless you’re Zach Galifianakis]), and no one is acknowledging it.

Then, Dave comes in like a superhero who saves the day with one-liners, though I think he missed a big opportunity to comment on the strangest thing about the entire interview: Mellencamp’s hair.

Still, the rocker seems like he’s had to answer about his continuing smoking habit before, as he did to Q Magazine in 2010.

You know they may have mentioned something about stopping smoking a couple of times back then. I’ve just accepted that cigarettes will probably kill me and that’s that.

Hey, as long as you know the risks, it’s your life, John. Smoke up.

Later, Mellencamp’s nicotine-stained pipes joined the list of legacy musicians saying goodbye to Letterman, with a performance of “Longest Days.”

(Via Billboard)