Let’s Liveblog Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘The Flash’ Gets Angry, ‘Agents Of SHIELD’ Gets Physical


We’re coming down to the season finales of our bumper crop of superhero shows. The Flash knows season two is a lock and is swinging for the fences accordingly, while Agents of SHIELD has some movie coming out on Friday to tie into. Let’s see how they’re doing, shall we?

First up at 8pm is The Flash. After discovering Reverse-Flash’s inability to hide a body where nobody would find it despite having a face-stealing device in his pocket, the entire team knows Harrison Wells is the Reverse-Flash. So, uh… he kills them all? It sure looks like he gets revenge on Cisco for every bad joke, either that or he gives him one heck of a friction burn on his chest.

Anyway, what’s happening over at the 616?

As we saw with Phil Coulson taking a meeting with Adama, this episode focuses on Coulson and his motley crew kicking HYDRA where it hurts and, at least in theory, helping to touch off the events of Avengers: Age Of Ultron. In reality, they’re probably just going to blow a bunch of stuff up and the two SHIELDs will learn to respect each other through committing violence on a third party. I’ll still take it.

The shenanigans start tonight at 8pm EST. Join us, won’t you?