Trump Returns To The U.S. And Wastes No Time In Lashing Out Over ‘Fabricated Lies’ And White House Leaks

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Donald Trump has touched down on U.S. soil after a nine-day foreign trip, and he may be wishing for the power of the orb to save him. The president returns to a besieged White House and the reality that, incredibly, the Russia thing has grown worse in his absence. Not only has word dropped that Senior Advisor Jared Kushner has come “under scrutiny” by the FBI, but reports indicate that Trump’s son-in-law sought to establish a secret line of communication with the Kremlin. These developments arrived alongside reports of the White House setting up “war room” to fight mounting Russia-related allegations, and Trump’s seriously angry that all of this has leaked.

So, Trump lashed out on Twitter, of course, and he did so following a Wall Street Journal report about White House changes that will include lawyers approving Trump’s tweets before they go live. There’s no way to tell if that happened here, but the tweets do contain qualifiers, such as “my opinion.” Trump believes that the press is guilty of “fabricated lies,” and they are “fake news” that uses unnamed sources (which are often U.S. officials or White House officials). Trump also declared, “#FakeNews is the enemy!”

By now, it’s clear that Trump cannot stop the leaks. They’re not only coming from his mouth but from staffers within the administration (who are doing so in response to warnings) and U.S. officials who insist upon anonymity. A recent Daily Beast report suggested that much of this is happening because law enforcement has “turn[ed] on the law and order president.” Considering every move that Trump has made against the FBI, it’s certainly possible.

In other words, the coming weeks are almost guaranteed to be as disastrous as the past month. And that doesn’t even take Trump’s stalling on the Paris Climate Agreement (which he will reportedly ditch) into account. Chaos.

Also, this tweet may explain a lot…