The ongoing saga between Isaiah Thomas and Paul Pierce over tribute videos and who should and shouldn’t be honored in Boston when the Celtics host the Cavs on Feb. 11 reached new heights on Wednesday thanks to a little help from Jalen Rose.
On Wednesday night, Rose called out Pierce for being “petty” live on ESPN and criticized him for not letting the Cleveland Cavaliers point guard get a tribute video from the Celtics during what’s scheduled to be Paul Pierce jersey retirement night when the Cavs come to town.
While Pierce spent there rest of the night trying to get back at Rose on air it lit up social media, including our very own Instagram page. And if you look closely at the likes on that video, you’ll find a very familiar (and invested) name hiding in plain sight.
Let’s take a look at the likes a little more closely.
First of all, hi Isaiah. Secondly, this just proves once again that the NBA is the best sports league on the planet. The idea of tribute videos for former players is supposed to be about honoring a team’s past, and this has clearly spiraled out of control into a league-wide debate about the worth of Thomas’ time in Boston.
All of that can still be up for debate, and Thomas has tried to defer and say he respects Pierce too much to ruin his night. But he’s not above liking when someone defends him on live TV, and he’s clearly not afraid of letting that show up on social media, either.