James Dolan Donated To The Opponent Of A U.S. Representative Who Called On Him To Sell The Knicks

As it turns out, James Dolan does not like it when people criticize the job he’s done as the owner of the New York Knicks. The latest example of this comes via the New York Post, which learned of Dolan’s efforts to knock off United States representative Max Rose, a Democrat who represents the state’s 11th congressional district.

Rose, a Bronze Star and Purple Heart winner who upset a Republican incumbent in the 2018 election, is facing a challenge from state assembly member Nicole Malliotakis. The race is considered a toss-up by Cook Political Report, and Dolan wants to do what he can to make sure Malliotakis gets the seat after Rose told TMZ that he wants Dolan to sell the Knicks.

“I’m a Knicks fan to the day I die, but Dolan’s gotta sell. Right now, this is an absolute disgrace,” Rose said. “They don’t make the playoffs. Nothing’s happening. Every year that they don’t make the playoffs, New York City loses out. We lose a piece of our soul. Sell tomorrow. Sell today. Do it for the good of all of us, brother!”

This irked Dolan, who has never exactly taken these critiques well, and led to him cutting checks and expressing his desire to see Rose lose.

“Max Rose thinks he can make our team and my ownership his political platform,” Dolan wrote in an email he sent to some friends, according to The Post. “I need to let him know that we will not stand for this. The best way to do this is to help his opponent. He is in a tight race for the US Congress in Staten Island. … Please join me in helping Nicole defeat Max Rose for Congress.

Dolan mentioned in the email that he made a $2,800 donation, the most an individual can give to a candidate, to Malliotakis, along with a $50,000 check that MSG Sports gave to conservative PAC The Governing Majority Fund. In a conversation with The Post, Dolan called Rose’s comments “very disrespectful to his own constituents that they would think that this is something that would help them make up their mind about who should represent them in Congress.” He also stated his desire to make sure the Republican Party in the city becomes more prominent, saying he is “very pro-two party democracy and do more to help balance the scales.” During the 2016 presidential election, 79 percent of voters in New York City voted for Hillary Clinton, while 19 percent opted for Donald Trump.

As for how Rose responded to all of this, he took to Twitter to look for donations and gave The Post a quote that prodded Dolan over his decision-making at the helm of the Knicks.

“Glad to see James Dolan is taking his talents to boost Nicole’s campaign. God knows he’s got the Midas touch,” Rose said. “Never forget the Eddy Curry trade!