There’s an old cliche that the cover-up is always worse than the crime. Over the weekend, Kevin Durant got raked over the coals when his official Twitter account made disparaging comments about both his former Thunder teammates and his former coach Bill Donovan in Oklahoma City.
But what was curious about those tweets was that “Durant” kept referring to himself in the third person, which immediately aroused suspicion that he may have multiple secret Twitter accounts that he uses to defend himself against his vocal social media detractors and simply forgot to switch users before he fired off angry responses.
In the wake of immense public scrutiny on Tuesday, Durant admitted to both dragging his former coach and team, as well as to having an additional Instagram account that he claims is reserved for friends and family. However, in his public statements at TechCrunch in San Francisco, he didn’t mention the secret Twitter accounts.
Afterwards, Durant spoke with Sam Amick of USA TODAY Sports and was asked point blank about whether he had a second account and he emphatically denied it, but did understand how people could think there was one.
“No, (there’s) no different account,” he said. “I was just on there talking. It kind of looked that way – it did kind of look that way.”
And truth be told, he shared, it all became a blur once he realized what he had done.
“I was at home (in his Oakland Hills home),” Durant said. “I fell asleep watching football. I woke up, had charged my phone, and I just happened to look on Twitter. And I see (the person’s comment that sparked his response), and I just don’t remember it. I remember what I said and how I said it, but I just forget everything else. I forgot everything else. I was only focused on that convo, and that was unfortunate. I look like an idiot. My peers are going to look at me like an idiot. All the jokes – bring ‘em. I deserve it.”
It would take smarter, more tech-savvy people than myself to figure out whether Durant is still misleading us on this front, but you can rest assured that amateur social media sleuths are already on the case and won’t be satisfied by this answer.
At the very least, Durant gives off the appearance of being contrite about all this when he very easily could’ve fallen back on the time-honored “my account got hacked” excuse.