Kevin Durant brought more money, attention, and overall growth to Oklahoma City over the past decade than most Sooner state legislators. His charitable foundation continues enriching the lives of thousands of at-risk local youths, and in 2013 he donated $1 million to aid Oklahoma’s relief efforts following a tornado that left 24 people dead, hundreds injured, and far more homeless. The 2014 MVP also made countless memories for orange and blue clad faithful on the court while establishing the Thunder as a perennial title contender.
But no matter. For some fans, the endless list of positive contributions Durant made in Oklahoma City from 2009 to a couple months back were nullified by his decision to sign with the Golden State Warriors in free agency.
That’s ridiculous all by itself, of course. Durant is entitled to do what he deems is best for his life going forward, and the only one who understands the intricate layers of that choice is the man himself. That he was such an incredible ambassador and role model during his time spent in Brick City only further cements that reality.
It’s one thing for overzealous fans to lash out at Durant in the wake of his departure, though. Fandom dilutes the rational mind. But it’s another thing entirely when one of those people uses his or her position of power in the classroom to push that agenda on impressionable young teenagers.
Tucker Hein, a ninth-grade algebra teacher in Indianapolis, made a series of cardboard cutouts before the school year that declared his classroom a “No KD Zone.” What does that entail? See for yourself.
Kelly Ogle of Oklahoma News 9 got in touch with Hein, an Oklahoma graduate, shortly after his Twitter post received widespread attention on the Internet. The reporter’s account of his chat with the first-year teacher is below.
[Hein] says he was wanting something to remind his students to work hard, and he came up with the KD bulletin board idea the day before school started.
Durant didn’t quit on anybody. His move to the Bay Area to pursue a new career opportunity isn’t any different than Hein’s move to Indianapolis to begin his tenure as a teacher. Well, save for the fact that the Warriors and their ever-burgeoning fan base are primed to benefit immensely from his presence in Oakland.
Unfortunately, we can’t safely assume the same for the Indianapolis high-school freshmen who will be subjected to Hein’s asinine viewpoint on the personal decision of a public figure. If anyone involved here is quitting, it’s certainly the man who’s leaving the hallowed ethics of teaching behind to further his laughably immature reaction to Durant leaving the Thunder.
To wit, here’s what Hein tweeted shortly after Durant’s announcement on July 4 (NSFW). Yikes.
(Via Oklahoma News 9)