LeBron Hints That Fine Wines Might Be The Key To His Superb Play This Season

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LeBron James is clearly living his best life right now. The King’s been putting up insane numbers in his 15th season that still astound fans and critics alike.

After a rough start to the season, LeBron has the Cavaliers in third place in the Eastern Conference, with his good buddy Dwyane Wade picking up the slack for the second unit. They’re posting great numbers, the team is improving and LeBron has help on the way, so things couldn’t be better for The King.

According to LeBron, one of the many keys to his season is his newfound love of wine. He’s been delving into wine culture for the last two years and, as a result, it has refined his palate. LeBron also found some other health benefits to his game whilst popping a bottle of red or white wine.

“But over the years, the last few years, I’ve been learning a lot about it and the different types of grapes and the different types of vines they be on, different type of region, the red, the white, blends and things of that nature. So, it’s great to be in wine country. I’ve heard it’s good for the heart. As far as healing powers, I’m playing the best basketball of my life, and I’m drinking some wine pretty much every day. So, hey, whatever it is, I’ll take it.”

It stands to note that the Cavaliers and wine have been linked all season because when Dwyane Wade signed to the team in late August, he and James christened the moment with a bottle of wine.

Also, the first time Kevin Love and a bunch of Cavaliers teammates first tried Wade’s line of wines, they hilariously gave the line a bad review. If this Cavaliers team has shown us anything in this early part of the season, it’s that they know how to use a corkscrew.