Toronto Raptors GM Masai Ujiri made headlines – and nearly incited a riot – last spring when he closed remarks at a pre-game rally prior to his team’s playoff series against the Brooklyn Nets by shouting “F*uck Brooklyn!” And despite a $25,000 reprimand from the league, Ujiri says he’ll do it again if given the chance come April.
Via ESPN New York:
“Trust me, I ain’t taking that back,” Ujiri said Monday night at the Canadian Interuniversity Sport’s Canadian Basketball Speakers forum. “I hope we play them again. I’ll say it again.”
Though another fine would cost him more than the initial one, all-encompassing effects gleaned from Toronto’s first postseason series win since 2001 mean far more to Ujiri. Given the Raptors’ rabid fan base, pushing home crowds past the tipping point once again could indeed lead to the crucial victory that propels the team to such heights.
Alas, Ujiri likely won’t be afforded the opportunity to publicly voice his dislike for the Nets. Toronto seemed destined to be the East’s third postseason seed, while Brooklyn will undoubtedly be seventh or eighth in the conference – if its able to get there at all.
Will “F*ck Milwaukee!” work for Masai? We sure hope so.