In November, New York Times comedy critic Jason Zinoman lamented the largely Netflix-driven comedy boom while noting “a crash may be just what comedy needs” to thrive. Whether a crash like the one that occurred during the early ’90s is coming remains to be seen, but if Netflix has anything to say about it, the current boom won’t be ending anytime soon. For not only is the streaming giant re-upping on its half-hour comedy special series The Standups, but it’s also investing in a new program that will consist of 15-minute specials from emerging comics.
According to Vulture, the new endeavor will tape at the Terminal West venue in Atlanta in February. This first taping will feature quarter-hour routines from Aisling Bea, Michelle Buteau, Tim Dillon, JR De Guzman, Sabrina Jalees, Janelle James, Sam Jay, Josh Johnson, Ian Karmel, Jak Knight, Matteo Lane, Max Silvestri, Taylor Tomlinson, Phil Wang, Emma Willmann, and Kate Willett. The series remains untitled, but considering Netflix’s ever-expanding dedication to all things stand-up, this minor hiccup likely won’t last for much longer. Per the platform, its original comedy offerings remain some of its most-watched content.
What’s more, Netflix is already exceeding its previous promise to release one new comedy special a week with nearly two to three new hours a week in 2018. Toss in a second season of The Standups and this new batch of 15-minute specials and you’ve got the makings of an even bigger comedy boom. For as Vulture‘s Jesse David Fox astutely notes, “this will effectively create a pipeline for new talent, not unlike what Comedy Central has done for years.” Of course, none of this means that Zinoman’s predicted bust still isn’t on the way.
(Via Vulture)