Barf Alert: 10-year-old rapper Matty B has a song on the Free Birds soundtrack

I’m trying to remember the first time Burnsy sent me a video by rapping toddler Matty B, a wannaBieber from Atlanta, who was featured in Burnsy’s Corner on a Frotcast in June. I have an email Burnsy sent about him from as far back as January. Anyway, I assumed “Matty B” was some kind of Rebecca Black/Nicole Westbrook-level, buy-your-kid-a-music-video quasi-joke, destined to be stuck in 900-views-on-YouTube territory for all eternity, which is why I freaked out a little when I received a press release announcing his new song on the soundtrack of Relativity Media’s Free Birds.

That’s right, they put a rapping 10-year-old on the soundtrack to a major film. You guys, I’m scared.

YouTube sensation and member of the recently-named elite in’s ’21 Under 21′ list, MattyB has released, “Back In Time” the first song off the Relativity Music Group Original Motion Picture Soundtrack for the upcoming ReelFX and Relativity 3D animated film, “Free Birds,” opening nationwide on November 1st.

By coupling hard-hitting gritty rap with a smooth pop hook, “Back in Time” proves MattyB’s talent and versatility as a recording artist. […]

I didn’t think a kid could annoy me more than Jaden Smith, but then they took Lights Camera Jackson and let him be raised by Chet Haze and styled by the Osmonds and here we are. Who… who lets this happen? I watched 10 seconds of this video and now I want to melvin our entire society.

The talented ten-year old made his name by rapping G-rated songs for younger generations of kids to follow their dreams and has gained over 2 million Facebook and Twitter followers doing so. MattyB’s cousin, Marshall Manning and one of his favorite producers, Justin Reinstein, wrote “Back In Time” in just one day – but it instantly became one of MattyB’s favorites. “This making of this song and music video was the most fun I have ever had on a project and it turned out awesome!” He continues, “This song is definitely going to be my favorite to perform and I really hope my fans love it as much as I do.

“The most fun you ever had?” You’re f*cking ten. When I was ten, I played with my dick in an above-ground pool and caught a frog and that was the most fun I’d ever had. There was a reason no one issued a press release, they would’ve been rightly ostracized.

Wait, did he say “fans?” He did indeed. According to his website, his next concert at the House of Blues in Dallas in two weeks is already sold out. And with songs that took an entire day to compose, who could resist?

MattyB has made himself known for his G-rated, yet complex rap lyrics, which lead a young generation of kids to follow their dreams, believing that anything is possible. The MattyB lyrics add a personal touch to his music, making him loved by both kids and adults. He is also known for his swag, style and smooth delivery. Many celebrities, such as Katy Perry, Ryan Seacrest, Ashton Kutcher, Perez Hilton, Scooter Braun and Vanilla Ice have shown interest in the MattyB brand.

His swag. Yes, of course he’s known for his swag. And his “personal brand.” He’s in third grade. Yes, I am interested in buying into this brand. I will promptly pay you all of the barfs.

And a portion of the proceeds from VIP packages to his latest show will go to the Ryan Seacrest Foundation, because of course Seacrest supports his fellow automaton. If this kid’s dad isn’t a mega-church pastor who favors Affliction shirts, I’ll eat my hat.

Game over, man, game over. Shut it all down.