Two More “Apes” Clips Lumber Through The Uncanny Valley

“Let’s see. We got soda, purple stuff. Sunny D! All right!” *

Did you love the amazing realism of the clip Vince posted earlier this week, where Alzheimer’s disease means you forget how forks work, apes who attack a person in a nice neighborhood somehow aren’t shot by police or euthanized by order of the court, and the motion capture effect looks like “a character from Madden superimposed onscreen”?  Yeah, that was great.  Oh, but there’s more.  Andy Serkis (AKA Gollum), who plays Caesar the ape, is back to introduce two more clips from James Franco: Sexy Scientist, also known as Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

The clips below really show off the motion capture we can expect from the film, which opens August 5th.  We get to see how Ceasar escapes and makes the other apes intelligent (still no explanation why firearms and the military don’t exist to fight the apes).  I’m still not sold on this mo-cap, especially when Brian Cox just standing still looks fascinatingly real by comparison.  But the most important question raised by these clips isn’t one of our humanity but rather a more practical concern:  they spent all this money on mo-cap but they didn’t use any of it to fix Draco Malfoy’s creepy forehead?

[Videos via Blastr and ComingSoon]

* If at least one of you guys doesn’t claim he’d have stopped at “purple stuff” I swear it would be like I don’t even know you anymore.