Centered: A Wes Anderson Supercut Proves Wes Anderson Is Obsessed With Symmetry

Wes Anderson // Centered from kogonada on Vimeo.

A while back there was that supercut of Kubrick’s one-point perspective, made my the same Vimeo user. Now there’s this one about one of Wes Anderson’s signature visual elements. Wes Anderson hate can be as obnoxious as Kubrick love, and they’re both the kind of filmmakers so frequently listed on people’s favorites that they might as well be left off completely—You liked Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine, Dr. Strangelove, AND Life Aquatic???? SOULMATES—so I don’t want to compare in terms of merit. That said, there’s a small difference between the two supercuts/visual styles. While Kubrick is focused on an attention to detail, Wes Anderson looks preoccupied by the magnification of detail.

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