Christian Bale And Joel Edgerton Have Dueling Sword Boners In ‘Exodus: Gods And Kings’

The twin Hollywood trends of Biblical subject matter and conflict between tough, bearded westerners and effeminate Muslims and proto-Muslims will find a beautiful synergy this December with the release of Ridley Scott’s ‘Exodus: Gods And Kings.’ It stars Christian Bale as a buff, bearded, bush-loving Moses, revolting against the effeminate make-upocracy of Pharoah Ramses II and his gang of bejeweled guyliner bros. With the Pharaoh played by Joel Edgerton, an Australian actor so grain-fed looking that he could play the protagonist in a John Cougar Mellencamp video.

Moses and Ramses are adopted brothers who’ll eventually become enemies, but in this poster it just looks like they’re slightly intrigued by the possibility of touching the tips of their sword boners together. Keep a tight grip on that shaft, Christian.
