Comment of the Week: Vlad Putin’s a Boob Man

This week we got to see the child lurking within Vladimir Putin when he was confronted by a topless female protester. This comment comes straight from the FilmDrunk Facebook page.

John Rodriguez: This is midlife crisis James Bond. Too old to work, too pervy to function.

James Bond has seen too many boobs to be so nonplussed. The only thing that can shock James Bond is an artificially gaped butt hole. Mi6 uses tools to torture not to pleasure.

When FilmDrunk isn’t covering unbreast abroad, we sh*t talk James Cameron (in the post about his plans for underwater motion capture). Larry, here, is a pro. Two birds, one stone.

Larry: The fact that the title wasn’t “James Cameron’s Avatar” should make Tyler Perry feel like even more of a dick.
I never really thought of James Cameron as the Tyler Perry of white people until just now. Who’da thunk that James Cameron’s Oscar nomination for Avatar was another symptom of race inequality?
And then the comment of the week goes to Stinky Pete from the same article:
Stinky Pete: His biggest road-block so far is developing less buoyant ping-pong balls.

Someone said something like, the Americans spent millions to develop a pen that wrote upside down; the Russians just used a pencil. It’s sort of like that.

In miscellaneousness, Burnsyfan66 (the most obscure and amazing commenter shtick) nicely summed up Amanda Bynes’ recent trouble with wigs and cartwheels:

Burnsyfan 66: Ha! …classic Amanda.

I love her so much right now, I’d lick off her tears so I could trip balls with her.

Indeed, sir. As always, use the comments section below to nominate for next week.