Jackie Chan sounds like a bit of a fascist again

Jackie Chan has a bit of a history of working with Chinese government-financed film companies, and as we know, the Chinese government has some strict rules about what it will allow in its movies (Chan also has a history of endorsing some shady products, but that’s another story). Point is, he has in the past seemed perhaps a little too willing to work with repressive government organizations. In a recent interview, he goes so far as to condone repression.

Noting that Hong Kong suffered long periods of oppression under the British colonial administration, Chan said the eventual longing for freedom “does not mean people can do whatever they want.”
“Hong Kong has become a city of protest marches — that’s what the world has been saying,” he said in an interview with the Guangzhou-based magazine Southern People Weekly. “In the past it was Korea, now it’s Hong Kong. [Demonstrators were] scolding China, scolding [the country’s] leaders, scolding everything. We should have rules dictating what [issues people] can march for, and which they can’t.
During the conversation, Chan also repeated the controversial remarks he made at a business leaders’ forum at Boao in April 2009, when he said he’s “not sure” if personal freedom is a good thing and that the Chinese people “need to be controlled”.
“Traffic regulations need to be followed — and can we not regulate against counterfeits? I have learnt to follow laws. Whoever does that [management], even if it’s the government, I will support it,” Chan added.

Hmm, that last bit leads me to wonder if perhaps he’s gotten ineffective law enforcement confused with freedom of speech and assembly. He talks about regulating counterfeits, and you’re like okay, sure, but then he wants only certain kinds of protests allowed, and you think, “Whoa, easy there, Hitler.” But like all Hitlers, he does have a few good ideas. OH GOD HOW DO I ERASE THIS? Anyway, he also said Rush Hour was the film he dislikes most.

“I have reasons to do each film, I have something to say. Unlike Rush Hour – there was no reason [in making it], you just give me the money and I’m fine. I dislike Rush Hour the most, but ironically it sold really well in the U.S. and Europe,” said Chan, who made two more sequels of the film in 2002 and 2008 and is reportedly planning to make a fourth.

He also revealed he would never play a villain in foreign films — which his fellow martial arts star Jet Li did in his major international debut in Lethal Weapon 4 in 1998.

“I don’t like to be looked [down] upon by foreigners,” he said. “Once [Sylvester] Stallone asked me to be in a film and play a drug baron who turns good at the end. I didn’t go.” [THR]

Refusing to play a villain, eh? No wonder him and Will Smith get along. ANOTHER REASON: Will Smith is a secret black Hitler. Fact. Anyway, I’m not sure what it is about Rush Hour that sticks in Jackie’s craw so much, but if I had to guess, it was probably Brett Ratner’s unconscionable treatment of shrimp.