Let’s Go, Voltron Force!

The rumors have been swirling for quite some time that a movie based on the classic anime series Voltron was in the works, but last we heard*, it was being fast tracked (didn’t happen) and a guy named Dick Suckle was producing it (he didn’t). Now you can finally rest your worries, Drunkards of the 80s. Voltron has been optioned, and we’re going to have ourselves a movie. Atlas Entertainment and Relativity Media, two companies that I’ve heard of, have hired Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer to write a script.

Donnelly just wrote the new Conan the Barbarian movie and Oppenheimer wrote Sahara if that does anything for you. Hey, it’s a start, right? Whatever, I’m excited. Let’s engage our nerd boners, producers!

“For nearly three decades, Voltron has captured the minds of a nostalgically loyal and rabid fan base and has long been considered a hotly-pursued project. We are beyond excited World Event Productions and Atlas Entertainment have placed their trust and faith in Relativity to bring this coveted property to the big screen, and usher in a new generation of devoted fans,” Relativity Media president of worldwide production Tucker Tooley said in announcing the project. (The Hollywood Reporter)

Screw it, let’s go to the video…

Now that’s how you do cartoons, people. None of this namby pamby Spongebob crap. Five robotic cats turn into one giant robot dude who defends the entire universe. If only he could defeat the debt ceiling.

I won’t get too excited about this just yet. Obviously, we still have to wait for the casting, and that could either be hit or miss. I’m hopeful, though, that the executives at Atlas and Relativity can see fit to give this iconic 80s classic a cast that it truly deserves. Haha, just kidding. It’s probably going to star Alex Pettyfer and Boo Boo Stewart, and Voltron will be a unicorn. Are you happy, Hollywood? You’re destroying my childhood once and for all.

*Always fun to link back to posts from 2008 and 2009 and read the comments from back then. And look at me now, filling in for Vince while he’s off bullying dorks. Quite the family we’ve all become. *kisses Chodin on the forehead*