Peter Dinklage to star in a raunchy, Bad Santa-esque comedy about a guy who thinks he’s a leprechaun

If Peter Dinklage asks you to smell his thumb, don’t, it’s a trick.

Peter Dinklage became famous for starring in a show about sister-f*cking, eunuchs, castration, gay sex and crossbow murder, so I think I speak for everyone when I say enough with the Family Channel crap, shorty, we’re all adults here. And it looks like we’ll finally get a chance to see the prince-slapper work blue, as he’s signed on to star in an R-rated comedy from Bad Words writer Andrew Dodge.

The [untitled Paramount comedy] — to be penned by Andrew Dodge, the writer of Jason Bateman’s Toronto Film Festival sensation Bad Words — will be produced by Mary Parent and Cale Boyter.

The project is described as being deep in R-rated territory but wrapped around an emotional heart. Sources say it plays off of Dinklage’s size, as the story centers around a man who tells people he is a true leprechaun.

The project is said to be tonally in the vein of Bad Santa, the 2003 comedy featuring Billy Bob Thornton as a department store Santa that was filthy fun with an uplifting ending, and Bad Words, Bateman’s directorial debut that featured foul-mouthed kids in a spelling bee. [THR]

Finally, my prayers to the God of Tits and Wine have been answered! This calls for a Peter Drinklage! (*pantomimes pistol in mouth blowing out back of own skull*)

Okay, so we know next to nothing about this project at this stage, but I’m all for more Peter Dinklage in pretty much any form. He’s just so damned charismatic. He’s like a miniature Robert Downey Jr. Well, miniature-er, anyway.