Sick tat, brah (morning links)

Right, because it’s the placement of the tattoo that’s gay. Also, I wouldn’t call this “gay.” All the gay guys I know have much better taste than this. [Lamebook]

Prisoner loses butt drugs during drunken Silence of the Lambs dance |Film Drunk|

Latest Frotcast: Come for the Matthew Parker interview, stay for the beatboxing. |Frotcast|

This seemed relevant. [via Fck Yeah Dementia]

The Best Of Paul Scheer’s UPROXX Live Discussion |UPROXX|

20 Awesome Pairs Of Geeky Hand-Painted Sneakers |Gamma Squad|

The Greatest Picture Of Rex Ryan Or Possibly Anything Ever |Kissing Suzy Kolber|

The kid who stole Fieri’s Lambo’s buddies tried to break him out of prison. This kid is the world’s greatest super-villain. |WarmingGlow|

It’s Gwen Stefani’s Butt In A Bikini |The Superficial|

Meet Janna Little Ryan, Who Wants To Be America’s Second Lady |Buzzfeed|

Louis C.K. And Television As Conflict Management |Videogum|

The Amphibious DeLorean is not a myth |Daily What|

5 Fictional Countries Where the U.S. Army is Trained to Fight |Mental Floss|

Call Me Maybe (on Chatroulette) |Holy Taco|

If the Internet Wrote Your Summer Reading |College Humor|

The twenty greatest movie chases of all time |Fark|

Xue Chen is hot |IDLYITW|

Jennifer Lawrence Is Already Lobbying For A Golden Globe…Hard |Pajiba|

Another sweet tattoo |Epic WTFs|

6 future theoretical technologies we want now |Death + Taxes|

How White People Listen To Indian Music |High Definite|

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