The Roger Corman Documentary Looks Great

If you’re unfamiliar with Roger Corman, you need to stop what you’re doing because I’m about to ruin and jump on Netflix to find anything that he’s done and watch it twice. He’s the Academy Award-winning king of low budget B-films and possibly the hardest working man in show business history. He has produced nearly 400 films since 1954, and he directed another 56 between 1955 and 1980. And you can learn all about his career in Corman’s World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel, which is being released today by Anchor Bay Films after it debuted at Sundance earlier this year to rave reviews.

Corman’s World covers Roger’s glory years and features exclusive interviews with not just the usual suspects Jack Nicholson, Martin Scorsese, and Ron Howard, but also Quentin Tarantino, Eli Roth, Paul W.S. Anderson, and Brett Ratner, to name a few.

(Via Deadline)

Corman’s most important films (The Wild Angels, The Trip, Big Bad Mama, Rock ‘n’ Roll High School, etc.) were made decades ago, but he has managed to remain relevant not only through his iconic cult status, but also the fact that the dude doesn’t stop making movies. He produces 2-3 movies per year these days, and his latest efforts include the best movies ever shown on TV – Piranhaconda, Dinoshark, Dinocroc vs. Supergator and, of course, Sharktopus.

Between Corman’s World and Worst in Show, this could be the greatest year ever for documentary films.