We’re all excited for Captain America: Civil War. But as a new interview shows, you’re not nearly as excited as Frank Grillo is.
Grillo, of course, played Brock Rumlow, the future Crossbones, in Captain America: Winter Soldier. It’s not a secret that he’s coming back, either, what with the movie closing on a sequel hook featuring his… abused unconscious form. So what’s in the cards for Grillo, according to Entertainment Weekly?
“[Winter Soldier] was only a taste of what’s to come with the next film, and I couldn’t be more humbled and excited…I hear Iron Man is in Captain America 3—he’s got a big role—and the Black Panther. It sounds like this Civil War is going to be pretty interesting.”
Awww, Marvel, can’t you send the guy a script? Grillo also notes he’s been in for a body scan so that he can be fitted for a costume, and that he’s been staying in great shape in order to best fill out the villainous role.
Mostly, though, we’ll be curious to see where he fits in. Crossbones, after all, tends to work for the Red Skull, because no supervillain can resist a bad pun. And, yet, there’s been no sign of the Skull for a while, despite rumors that he’d appear in Winter Soldier. Sure, Crossbones could just be working for HYDRA, but we wouldn’t mind seeing Hugo Weaving in the mask again. We’ll find out relatively soon; the movie comes out May 2016.