Not Only Will ‘Daredevil’ Season 2 Debut In March, But It’s Going Against ‘Batman V Superman’

Remember when it was rumored that Daredevil‘s second season would debut early on Netflix in March instead of April? You know… over the weekend? According to several reports, not only will the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen send fans into a 10-hour binge a month early, but will do so the same day Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice premieres in theaters. Now comic book aficionados must choose between venturing out into the world to see Batman and Superman duke it out on the big screen, or stay indoors to see Daredevil take on the Punisher. reported early Monday morning that, according to “independent sources,” the second season of Daredevil would be available for streaming on Mar. 25 on Netflix. Neither Marvel nor Netflix would confirm the information at the time, but the date stood out — not just because it was earlier than expected, but because of DC Comics’ upcoming Warner Bros. tentpole feature.

A few hours later, Birth Movies Death confirmed the news and the date. They also noted that, since the two properties were housed on different platforms, they “are not actually in financial competition.” However, “they are in cultural competition” with one another — especially given all the rage comic book film and television properties have been generating in the past decade.

Whether the news of Daredevil‘s premiere date excites Marvel fans or enrages DC supporters, those who aren’t too fond of picking sides in the Marvel/DC divide are the real winners. That’s because, in a single weekend, they’ll have two genuine excuses to go to the movies and then stay at home.

(Via and Birth Movies Death)