It’s always struck me as a bit odd that Dwayne Johnson is playing Black Adam in Shazam! You’d think DC and New Line would jump at the chance to have The Rock star in their movie, but instead, he’s playing the villain. Hell, we’ve known that Rocky would be Black Adam for months, and we still don’t know who will be playing Billy Batson/Shazam. That’s fairly telling.
Well, in a recent interview, Johnson confirmed that he was given the option of playing Shazam, but specifically chose to play Black Adam instead…
“Because I felt ultimately, and this is with all due respect to Shazam/Billy Batson, it’s a mythology that I love, it’s been with me for almost ten years now. What made me choose Black Adam? I just felt Black Adam was inherently more interesting to me because I felt there were more layers to Black Adam starting out as a slave and then ultimately becoming the anti-hero who we enjoy today.”
If I had to guess, I’d say Shazam was just a bit too much of a goody two-shoes for Rock, and IT DOESN’T MATTER (ahem) who The Rock plays. He could be cast as Crazy Quilt, and Warner Bros. would make him a cornerstone of their new cinematic universe.
via ComicBookMovie