DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is already a very busy show, with more than a half-dozen core team members and many more guest stars and cameos. Yet the second season is looking to expand the team even further. Recently, it slipped out that Warner Bros. Television was looking to cast two major new heroes for the second season of the time-hopping superhero crossover, and it looks like they’ve locked down one of them.
According to Deadline, Nick Zano (Cougar Town, Minority Report) has been cast as Dr. Nate Heywood, otherwise known as Citizen Steel. In the comics, Nate is the grandson of Henry Haywood, a.k.a. Steel or Commander Steel — a World War II-era superhero who was a member of the original Justice Society of America. The producers of Legends of Tomorrow aren’t revealing whether Nate Heywood will go full superhero during the season, but they did admit he will be coming to terms with his grandfather’s legacy. So yeah, he’s totally putting on a costume.
It seems season two of Legends will focus heavily on the WWII-era Justice Society of America, as the show’s other major addition is an African-American female hero hailing from the 1940s. Based on some other bits of information out there, this currently-uncast character will likely be a new take on JSA regular Lady Blackhawk.
What do you folks think? Looking forward to Legends of Tomorrow getting all Golden Age on us? Legends of Tomorrow will return to Thursdays this fall.
(Via Deadline and Cinema Blend)