The Phoenix Suns’ New Uniforms Appear To Have Leaked Via The ‘NBA Live 18’ Demo

NBA teams have had total control over their new Nike uniform releases over the past few weeks, and in the beginning, details and images leaking out were rare. There was a photographer that blew the Cavaliers’ surprise wine uniform, but otherwise, most uniforms over the first couple weeks of releases came as a genuine surprise.

However, recently, we’ve been seeing leaks of a few uniforms come from the impending releases of NBA 2K18 and NBA Live 18. The two NBA video games are supposed to keep the new uniforms under wraps, but the Timberwolves new threads leaked out via 2K18 and now the latest is an NBA Live 18 leak of the Association and Icon edition uniforms for the Phoenix Suns.

The video game companies had to have designs in early to put them into the game, but have been doing their due diligence in keeping those from getting out. However, the NBA Live 18 demo hit overseas and the first two new Suns uniforms have hit the internet via that demo release.

From the looks of these video game renderings, the numbers are significantly larger on the front of the jerseys compared to the most recent uniforms, and gone is the “lines leading into a ball” design element that was meant to harken back to the jerseys of old — that has now moved to the sides of the shorts.

As Burry notes in a later tweet, other leaked drawings of the uniforms confirm this design, and also show that the gigantic numbers on the fronts of the jerseys may simply be a problem of video game design and not what the uniforms will exactly look like.

The Suns’ new look, if true, is an improvement over the most recent uniform set. It’s a cleaner design, but not overly bland like Minnesota’s new look.

Update: The Suns confirmed their new uniform look on Thursday afternoon.