Known as “Lil Mouse,” the baby-faced rapper repeatedly drops “F” and “N” bombs in a music video that glorifies sex, drugs and violence. At one point, an adult male gets behind the teen and makes it look like the teen is holding the gun. On popular music video sites, the teen, who allegedly lives in Roseland, is being promoted as the “13-year-old rapper from the Wild, Wild Hundreds.”
“This warrants an investigation,” said Che “Rhymefest” Smith, a Chicago rapper who ran a spirited but unsuccessful campaign for alderman in the 20th Ward. “This has clearly crossed over into child pornography when you have a 13-year-old child rapping about sex and about violence and drug selling. “We find that artists who glorify death in Chicago are being rewarded,” he said.
Full Story: SunTimes
At some point you have to draw the line, a thirteen year old rapping about drugs, sex and violence is ridiculous. I think he needs to drop a track about Puppy love and do his, “Money Dance.” Can they say the same about Chief Keef who is only 16?
Stop The Madness: Lil Mouse – Get Smoked (13 Year Old From Chicago)