Over the past few years, with a few upscale events and birthday parties excepted that required a suit or a tux, Kanye West has been seen wearing pretty much the same style of clothes every single day. Drab and baggy sweatshirts and sweatpants, dad hats, and a few vintage band tees thrown in every now and again to spice things up. Many have pointed out the actor Shia LaBeouf’s role in pioneering that aesthetic years ago — In a version of his song “No More Parties In L.A.” left on the cutting room floor Yeezy rapped, “I wish I dressed as fresh as Shia LaBeouf” — and in a new comeback-framed interview with Esquire, LaBeouf revealed that his inspiration was a lot more hands-on than people realized.
“He took all my f*cking clothes,” LaBeouf revealed. It all happened while Kanye was planning a pop-up and approached the actor about using some of his own clothes in the installation. Shia was on the fence, but “Around the same time, I took my mother to his concert…She is, of course, obsessed with Kanye West. When I brought her backstage, he was a f*cking sweetheart to her. And it just felt fair. So I’m like, ‘Go for it, my guy. Take everything you want.’” Everything he wanted apparently even included the hat the actor wore in the fourth Indiana Jones film.
Despite LaBeouf’s generosity, it’s been a minute since he last heard from Ye. “Me and him haven’t really been in contact since he blew up onstage and, you know, shit on me,” he explained, alluding to the rapper’s meltdown during a performance on the Saint Pablo tour in Sacramento. Still, it doesn’t appear there are any hard feelings from Shia’s end. “I f*cking love Kanye West,” he said. “He’s going through a lot. And I don’t know where he’s at or what he’s doing.”