Listen: Drew and Scott discuss Lucky McKee’s ‘The Woman’ on this week’s MCP

I apologize.

I know, I know… that’s like my mantra these days, but there’s only one of me, and I’m trying to turn out a workload that would probably keep four people busy for ten hours a day.  That’s just the way it is, too.  There’s so much to cover, and there are only so many hours in a day.

I’m also sort of a dummy when it comes to all things technical.  For all of the wisdom I’ve accumulated over the years about other things, when it comes to technology, I have a built-in EMP of sorts that means that most machines hate me and vice-versa.  It can make things awkward considering I work on a computer all day every day.

Long story short, this podcast was lost to the ages, but through some heavy lifting, I managed to recover it, and now I’m running this and the next podcast in the same day.  That’ll give you plenty to listen to between now and when I come back from vacation.

This first one deals mainly with Lucky McKee’s new film “The Woman,” along with some calls from you guys to play Movie God and Remake This! with us.  Here’s the full break-down of the episode:

Introduction / 00:00 – 08:00
Call-in movie games / 08:00 – 35:40
What’s In Theaters? / 35:40 – 53:15
What’s On DVD? / 53:15 – 57:00
Lucky McKee’s “The Woman” / 57:00 – 1:10:00
Halloween movie thoughts / 1:10:00 – 1:15:00
Wrapping it up / 1:15:00 – 1:17:57

Some of this is out of date, obviously, but I love that one of our callers was at the Occupy Nashville site, where he’s still appearing day after day, and I think it’s great that we had that conversation there.  I also regret not organizing the Halloween outing with you guys that we talked about at the end.  Could have been a lot of fun, and maybe next year.

Now let me go get that other podcast posted for you, because that one’s got some great stuff in it, and I want to make sure I get it up for you for today.  As always, you can listen to the podcast embedded below or download it here, or you can find us on iTunes.  Whichever way you find it, I thank you.