Last month, Natasha Khan announced that her next Bat For Lashes album, Lost Girls, is coming September 6 via AWAL Recordings. So far, we’ve only heard the record’s lead single, the dark, mellow “Kids In The Dark.” But Khan has just shared another song from the record, demonstrating the diversity of sound that will be explored on Lost Girls.
The new track, “Feel For You,” is a club anthem. Over an intoxicating beat, Khan repeats the song’s only lyrics (“I feel for you”), as synths unfold in lush chaos around her. While “Kids In The Dark” had a definite ’80s-inspired sound, “Feel For You” sounds like a great lost disco track.
Khan’s retro-inspired sound matches the theme of Lost Girls. Press materials reveal that the album is a “mischievous younger sister” to her last album, 2016’s The Bride. Lost Girls follows a character named Nikki Pink through an alternate 1980s Los Angeles populated by female biker gangs. Khan’s plan for the album is highly visual, and she introduced fans to Nikki Pink in the video for “Kids In The Dark,” released a few weeks after the song first premiered.
Listen to “Feel For You” above.
Lost Girls is out September 6 via AWAL Recordings. You can pre-order it here.