Three Kilos Of Cocaine Were Found Stashed On Two JetBlue Planes

jetblue ss

Maintenance workers in Lake City, Florida found 3 kilos of cocaine on two different JetBlue airplanes while performing routine services last week. According to the Columbia County Sheriff’s Department, two HAECO (Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited) employees were working on a Jet Blue A320 aircraft when they found the first kilo. Four days later, approximately two more kilos were found on a second plane. That makes for one very unhappy dealer in Rio.

According to ABC News, the drugs were first found tucked behind insulation inside a panel in the luggage compartment. The covering was screwed in, meaning someone would have had to unscrew it to stash the coke, and passengers don’t have access to this part of the plane. VERY SUSPICIOUS.

Columbia County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Murray Smith said, “This was not a hatch you just go up to and open. Somebody had to know what they were doing to put it there.” Much the same way these guys had to know what they were doing in order to fit $14 million worth of cocaine into a decorative horse head.

Investigators have tracked the itineraries of the affected aircrafts and determined that both planes arrived from JFK airport. It’s likely that whoever was supposed to intercept the drugs failed to do so before the planes left for routine maintenance work. Some of the cocaine and its packaging has been sent to a lab for testing where the state will look for fingerprints and DNA. The approximate value of the cocaine is $180,000.

(Via Consumerist)