Anthony Bourdain Has Some Very Solid Hangover Advice For Post-World Series Chicagoans

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Last night’s party, over a century in the making, is taking its toll today in the form of a soul-filleting hangover. In the Chi, Cubs fans would surely trade a mouthful of puke in exchange for a World Series championship. So it’s still a net win. To help Chicagoans navigate their stadium-sized headaches, TMZ caught up with culinary authority Anthony Bourdain for some advice on how to fight off hangover hell.

Bourdain’s advice? “420 BLAZE IT BROZEPH 4 LYFE!” Or, in more elaborate (and actual) words:

“Aspirin, cold Coca-Cola, smoke a joint, eat some spicy Sichuan food — works every time,” offers the Parts Unknown personality to TMZ. Valuable insight from someone that frequents places of revelry.

Elsewhere in Bourdain chatter, the chef has been in promo mode thanks to the arrival of his new book Appetites. One of the more intriguing talking points churned out during this period of MAXIMUM BOURDAIN has been this piece of discussion with the Los Angeles Times regarding excess bread and flagrant disregard for the true meaning of “Kobe.”

Los Angeles Times: You compare the club sandwich to Al Qaeda. Any other food or food trend you can’t stand?

Anthony Bourdain: I’m really irritated by that useless middle slice of bread on the club sandwich. It’s been there forever; it’s not a trend. It’s lasted for decades and why, when we can so easily dispense with it? I can’t get too angry about pumpkin spice because hopefully that will all be over soon, if it isn’t already. The misuse of the word Kobe. There’s an absolute relationship between the number of douches in any given establishment and the appearance of a Kobe burger, Kobe meatballs or sliders on the menu. You can be positive you’re going to get some gell-headed bros high-fiving at the bar. I love bacon, but I don’t think we need it on everything. I think there’s a tendency to over-jack and over-umami food these days. Really annoys me any time I see Asian fusion too. Asia is a big place; which Asian are you talking about? You notice it’s never Uzbek or Tajik food. It’s Thai, and it’s generally insulting.

For more Anthony Bourdain, check out our September interview with the man. He has nice things to say about Popeyes Chicken.

(Via TMZ & Eater)